28.06.2009 13:14

Hnakkar til sölu - Saddles for sale

2 year old Hrímnir Saddle for sale. Very good condition, not a scratch on him, just like a new one.

The seat is comfortable with good support and is designed to allow a greater balance when riding.


You sit comfortably in the saddle, while the unique Dupont® saddletree distributes your weight evenly over the horse's back. Your increased balance when riding also promotes a better weight distribution.


The Bayflex® padding in the seat is comfortable and retains its shape. The knee pads are extremely soft and well positioned.


The stirrup bars are recessed under the tree to avoid uncomfortable bulging and positioned so you'll sit correctly and balanced in the saddle. 

More info about Hrimnir Saddle

Good price for a very good saddle. Photos of the saddle available so you can see that he looks like a new one.  

Sara uses this type of saddle as you can see on all the photos in older news

Mjög vel með farinn tveggja ára hnakkkur. Ekki rispa að sjá á honum og lítur út eins og nýr.

Sætið er þægilegt og ágætlega rúmt. Lögun þess veitir þér gott jafnvægi.


Á meðan þú lætur fara vel um þig í hnakknum , dreifir hið einstaka Dupont® hnakkvirki þyngd þinni jafnt yfir bak hestsins. Aukið jafnvægi þitt stuðlar einnig að betri þyngdardreifingu fyrir hestinn.


Bayflex® - bólstrun í sæti er þægileg og og sætið heldur vel lögun sinni. Hnépúðar eru rétt og vandlega staðsettir og einstaklega mjúkir.


Ístaðsólaupphengjum er haglega komið fyrir undir virkinu til að fyrirbyggja nudd. Staðsetning þeirra stuðlar að réttri ásetu og þar með betra jafnvægi.


Hrimnir Legacy skapar fullkomið jafnvægi milli knapa og hests, en jafnvægi er lykilatriði í samspili manns og hests.

Gott verð á góðum hnakk. Sara ríður í sömu tegund eins og sést á myndum í eldri fréttum.


Ástund Royal +  For sale.
Three year old saddle. Very good condition has not been used much because the owner gave up riding 2 and a half year ago. Maybe used for 30-40 times.

Ástund Royal is one of the two new models developed by the Ástund designers. A close-contact saddle for training and competition as well as for leisure and long distance riding.

Ástund Royal is built on a new light-weighted spring tree with considerable flexibility and made of the same material as all the Ástund saddles. It is designed to give a closer feel between the horse and rider. New knee rolls give the rider a good support to the lower part of the thigh and more variety of control to the horse´s sides. These knee rolls will guarantee the rider the best riding position. The knee pads are rather big.

The new PLUS version is with a flaired panel laced in at the rear of the saddle. Therefore the saddle is shorter by approxemently 1" on the horse´s back and makes it easier for the horse to collect. This is better for horses with short back but still the saddle has greater bearing surface sideways. The PLUS version absorbs shock better, it is more supple and has greater bearing surface, which makes the saddle even more horse-friendly
This saddel has three long girth straps. (Best to have that).

More info about Astund quality saddles www.astund.is

Good price for a "new" saddle.

Ástund Royal + til sölu. Þriggja ára, mjög vel með farin nánast ekkert notaður, því eigandinn hætti í hestum strax eftir að hann var keyptur. Notaður 30-40 sinnum.

Frábær Ástunar hnakkur. Plús þýðir púðar undir en ekki spaðar, nánast allir hnakkar í dag er með púðum. Royal er með stórum utaná liggjandi hnépúðum. Djúpt sæti.

More Info:
[email protected], [email protected]    Phone; Hrefna 00354-8611218   

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Tölur uppfærðar: 8.12.2024 13:27:48

ÁLFHÓLAR | SARA ÁSTÞÓRSDÓTTIR | 861 HVOLSVÖLLUR - ÍSLAND | Tel: (+354) 898 8048 | [email protected]