Ketill frá Vakurstöðum - Gelding for Sale


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Ketill frá Vakurstöðum IS2002181975
Chestnut with white nose

  GREAT opportunity to have an amazing horse with heart of GOLD! 

More photos of Ketill HERE

F. Hrynjandi frá Hrepphólum
(1st prize for offspring)

Ff. Stígandi frá Sauðárkróki (1st prize for offspring)
Fm. Von frá Hrepphólum (7,72)
Fmm. Hrafn frá Holtsmúla (honor stallion for offspring)

M. Sunna frá Votmúla
(8,10 - 4 gaiter with 9 for Tölt and Trot, willingness and form under a rider. HAS 5 1st PRICE OFFSPRING!)

Mf. Dreyri frá Álfsnesi (8,03)
Mm. Dúna frá Stóra-Hofi (1st price for offspring)
Mmf. Náttfari frá Ytra-Dalsgerði (8,54)
Mmm. Nótt frá Kröggólfsstöðum (Honor price for offspring)

Ketill is a strongly build horse. Has good neck, very strong back and crop and very good feet. He is 142 cm high.
Ketill is an absolute pleasure to ride. He is soft on the rains, carries himself very well naturally and his temperament is just perfect for every rider!

Ketill is so nice and safe you don't even need a saddle ;) Check out the video down below where I ride him without a saddle!

He has very equal and good gaits and fits well for 4 gait, Tölt or T2 (Loose rain tölt). He has natural high lifting movements on all gaits. His tölt is smooth and self carring with good speed range, trot has very good suspension and easy to form, also canter is high and he rolls very well with great shape, walk is good he takes very long stripes and relaxes always on it. I think he is scoring 6,5-7,5 on every gait when he is in good form (He has only been trained for 2 weeks after 3 months of fall break on the videos down low).

I think Ketills best qualities is his absolute pure temperament. He is really really safe to ride and everyone can ride him, his willingness is perfect easy to put more energy in him and very easy to relax him and slow down ( which is a good quality for competition horse). You can have him just like you want. When you ride him you feel that he is secure he is like a rock under you.

Ketill is well educated in dressage and is very flexible and soft in his body and neck and smooth on the rains. It is fun to ride him inside a riding hall he knows so much and is so positive. He for sure knows the drill and can absolutely help the rider to get it right!!

I was working on Vakurstaðir 3-4 years ago and had Ketill in training and I absolutely loved him from day one. Then they sold him to a friend of mine which is a 45 year old ambition hobby rider that has started him in competitions with good result. Now she wants to sell so I think this is a very special opportunity to get a great horse. Ketill would be without a doubt a great teacher for young rider (with an experience or not) or just a really good competition or a pleasure horse for an adult rider.

Ketill has scored over 6,50 both in 4 gait and Tölt.

The great rider Anna Valdimarsdóttir started Ketill in the Masterleague of Iceland in 4 gait last winter. Their show did very well but for some reasons was not in the top 5. But it made reporter from Eiðfaxi wonder and he wrote it in an article what he thougt ..

"Without criticizing other competitors, the undersigned was filled with pleasure watching the relaxed and disciplined show by Anna Valdimarsdóttir and Ketils frá Vakurstöðum. Ketill seemed to be perfectly content and relaxed, snorting while performing the show and there were no signs of tension; tail swinging nor chopping of the mouth as could be seen in some of the higher assessed presentations. Anna rode Ketil just like a yoga guru with great earthly connection, whether he was gliding past on his trot or canter. I was quite surprised to see that their show did not receive a higher score than it did." 

Hnokki World Champion, Ketill's half brother :)

Ketill's pedigree is for sure amazing. His father Hrynjandi frá Hrepphólum has given many outstanding horses like World Champion Hnokki from Fellskoti, Snar frá Kjartansstöðum, Tígull frá Kleiva. 

Sunna on LM 1996. 

His mother Sunna was a breath taking 4 gait mare and has proven to be a great breeding mare with five 1st prize offsprings.

Price E


Frábær 4 gangri til sölu. Staðið sig vel á brautinni undan farin ár. Einstakt geðslag. 

Verðflokkur E

Video taken in December 2011 only after 2 weeks in training after having 3 months in fall break :

Video taken INSIDE THE RIDING HALL in December 2011 only after 2 weeks in training after having 3 months in fall break :

Here is the same video as above just for them who can not see the other one!! 

Check out Ketill Character... you dont even need a saddle! He is so nice and safe and has this wonderful smooth Tölt !
Flettingar í dag: 1027
Gestir í dag: 21
Flettingar í gær: 1158
Gestir í gær: 30
Samtals flettingar: 1829615
Samtals gestir: 104884
Tölur uppfærðar: 10.2.2025 22:26:14

ÁLFHÓLAR | SARA ÁSTÞÓRSDÓTTIR | 861 HVOLSVÖLLUR - ÍSLAND | Tel: (+354) 898 8048 | [email protected]