About Álfhólar

The manager of this website is Sara Ástþórsdóttir, daughter of Sigríður Valdimarsdóttir, born and raised at Álfhólar. Sara has managed the horsebreeding at Álfhólar for the last 10-15 years. Rósa Valdimarsdóttir, sister to Sigriður, and her children, Valdimar, Hrefna María and Fannar have also breeded their horses at Álfhólar farm.

Hólar University College  

Sara and her niece Hrefna María Ómarsdóttir graduated as trainers and riding teachers C from Holar in the spring of 2007.
Sara finished the first two years at Holar in 1995 and has focused on working with horses ever since. She has over 20 years expirience in training of young horses as well as further training and she has shown most of evelated horses from Álfhólar at the Breedingshows.


Location of the farm

Álfhólar are located in south, in Rangárþing eystra, the nearest town is Hvolsvöllur.

Álfhólar are surrounded by many beautyfurl mountains like the gleisher Eyjafjallajökull, the famous Hekla is in north so in good wether there is a beautiful whew.

The New Stable

At the fall 2007 Sara started to build a new stable and first horses came in there in Januar 2008.  The stable takes 38 horses and insideriding area is 17*30 m.

Preservation of color and breeding


The breeding at Álfhólar is rooted from old breeding line based on the stallion Nökkvi 260 frá Hólmi (se the picture below) and others stallions from Hornafjörður. Valdimar Jónson, Sara´s grandfather, bought Nokkvi in the year 1950 and his children and grandchildren have carried his ideas further.

We have been lucky with silverdapple horses in Álfhólar and some of our best breeding mares have this outstanding coulor.  We take care of breeding good horses with this interesting colour.

Most important in breeding is to breed horses with good caracter and temprament, " your mind carry you the half way".  It is really important  to breed from horses who were good in all training without all critical behavior. Sometimes it is difficult to be sure about stallions you use that they have the mind you are looking for, therefor I use lot stallions from my self or someone close to me wich I know and trust that have the caracter I seek for.
High leg action, speed in gates, good building and good size are all important things too.   

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Tölur uppfærðar: 16.2.2025 15:59:30

ÁLFHÓLAR | SARA ÁSTÞÓRSDÓTTIR | 861 HVOLSVÖLLUR - ÍSLAND | Tel: (+354) 898 8048 | [email protected]